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  • Tags: Post-Civil War America

1868_"ONE VOTE LESS,".jpg
This was a cartoon created by Richmond Whig and featured in the publication Harper's Weekly, which would go on to use the image on multiple occasions, the first one in 1868 and then once again in the year 1872. The cartoon itself showed an African…

1871_Going Through the Form of Universal Suffrage.jpg
Harper's Weekly was a popular American Political Magazine from 1857-1916. Many important events from U.S. history are documented in this magazine. Thomas Nast was responsible for publishing numerous cartoons for Harper's Weekly, such as this one.…

1866_which is the more illegal.jpg
Thomas Nast created this illustration in 1866 for Harper's Weeklyshortly after the New Orleans Riot occurred. He started working atHarper's Weekly in 1862. He was a Radical Republican and supporter of the Union in the Civil War. He rose to fame…

SCC Claims.pdf
The Southern Claims Commission (1871-1880) awarded monetary compensation to southerners who could prove that they had been loyal citizens of the United States and that the Union army had appropriated property from them during the Civil War. Local…

In this book, historian William L. Barney explored transformations in white southern identity through the life of Walter Lenoir of North Carolina. Before the war, Lenoir, uncomfortable as a slaveholder, contemplated abandoning slavery and moving to a…
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