
The Burial of Latané

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William D. Washington’s renowned painting, The Burial of Latané, poignantly captured a Confederate memory of the Civil War. The painting…

Letter of Abraham Lincoln to Horace Greeley


Before the war, Abraham Lincoln expressed antislavery sympathies and recorded his hostility to slavery's further expansion, but he opposed abolishing…

The Burial of Latané


John Thompson’s celebrated poem, “The Burial of Latané,” epically portrays a Confederate victory at Hanover Courthouse,…

An Ordinance


Virginia's secession ordinance was created in April of 1861, after months of meeting as the Virginia Session. The Session was called on January 7,…

The Story of Mary Schwandt


Several Dakota Indians captured Mary Schwandt (later Schmidt), of a German farming family, then fourteen years old, near New Ulm, Minnesota, at the…

Is This a Sample of States' Rights?


John Mitchell Jr. is a freedman who was born a slave in Richmond, Virginia on July 11, 1863. John was a civil rights enthusiast, newspaper editor, and…

The Rough Is Ready- Voting Power of the South


The Cartoon,Voting Power of the South, was published in Harpers Weekly on November 22nd, 1879. The violence appearing in the South around the issue of…


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This was a cartoon created by Richmond Whig and featured in the publication Harper's Weekly, which would go on to use the image on multiple occasions,…