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When publishing works of scholarship, professors and other writers adhere to standards of scholarship. These standards require that scholars subjectprimary sources to honest scrutiny, contribute to ongoing scholarly debates in a fair manner,…

Historiography is the study of how historical interpretations of and approaches to particular topics have changed over time. For example, a historiographical analysis of the causes of the Civil War examines how historians' explanations have changed…

Scharly secondary sources are a specific kind of secondary sources that adhere to scholarly standards. Scholarly sources are generally written by authors with some expertise in their topic under study, such as a professor with a graduate degree in…

Secondary sources in history courses are accounts of historical events that draw on primary sources and other secondary sources as evidence. Not all secondary sources are reliable. Be critical of your secondary sources. Read them for content and…

A primary source is a document or an object created by historical actors during the time under study, or sometimes about the time period under study. Textual primary sources, like letters, diaries, and government documents, record the words of…
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