A Premature Movement

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A Premature Movement


In this cartoon found in Issue 152, Volume 3 of Harper’s Weekly, the artist satirizes John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry in October of 1859. A scene is depicted of a conversation between John Brown on the right and a black male slave named Cuffee on the left. Brown says to Cuffee, “Here! Take this, and follow me. My name’s Brown.” Brown tries handing Cuffee a weapon, himself holding a rifle. Cuffee replies, “Please God! Mr. Brown, dat is onpossible. We ain’t done seedin’ yit at our house.” The conversation plays on Brown’s failure at the raid on Harpers Ferry due to the lack of slave support in the attack. Brown as his supporters took hold on the city’s arsenal on the night of October 16th, 1859, but due to lack of slave forces coming to join them as they expected would happen, they were quickly shut down by the military. Brown was captured, tried, convicted, and executed just two months later. 


"A Premature Movement," Harper's Weekly, November 26, 1859.




Kelsey Schmitz


A Premature Movement. John Brown. "Here! Take this, and follow me. My name's Brown."
Cuffee. "Please God! Mr. Brown, dat is onpossible. We ain't done seedin' yit at our house."