Celia, A Slave


Celia, A Slave


Melton A. McLaurin


Melton A. McLaurin, professor emeritus of history at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, recounted the story of Celia, an enslaved woman, and her trial for the murder of her sexually abusive master. McLaurin placed Celia's trial in the context of the larger controversy over slavery, especially hostilities related to "Bleeding Kansas." A chronology of Celia's life and the transcripts of her trial are available online.


Melton A. McLaurin, Celia, A Slave (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1991).




  • What were the hostilities over slavery that formed the backdrop for Celia’s incarceration and trial?
  • How did the national debate over slavery affect Celia’s trial?
  • How did Celia’s case potentially threaten the institution of slavery?
  • Consider Celia, George, Robert Newsom, Virginia Waynescot, Judge William Hall, and Attorney John Jameson. What options did they face? What choices did they make? Under what constraints did they operate?