A "Smash" For Jeff

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A "Smash" For Jeff


In the cartoon, Jefferson Davis is placed on a chair upon a barrel of gunpowder. There is a large hand giving Jefferson Davis a large cup containing a “smash.” The “smash” contains a grouping of ships crowded in the water. The ships in the cartoon had steam coming from them showing the type of ships the Union had. The majority of the ships used by the Union relied on steam and were large. The abundance of the ships in the water refers to the U.S. Naval Blockade. The U.S. Naval blockade was declared by President Abraham Lincoln to prevent the regular trading route of the Confederacy. The U.S. Naval blockade was meant to block the Confederacy from exporting, especially cotton, and limiting their access to weapons. The cartoon portrayed Jefferson Davis above a barrel of gunpowder to show the danger of the situation. Davis was in shock with the new obstacles placed in front of him and his government. The people in the background are suggested to be relying on Davis to react to the newly implemented blockade. The people in the background are also on Davis' side, showing their support for the Confederacy.


"A 'Smash' For Jeff", Harper’s Weekly, 11 02, 1861




Robyn Buchanan


A "Smash" For Jeff